What You Can Learn from Sarah Palin Getting Canned by Fox News


In case you didn’t hear, Sarah Palin’s contract with Fox News is no more. Love her or hate her, she has been a huge sensation across America. Why then would Fox News drop her?

Turns out that her “virtual” show never really took hold. She would “phone in” from Wasella and viewers would often be treated to her husband Todd (and the dogs) coming in and out of the shot.

Well, according to Newsday (and many others), this was one of the main reasons for her failure. In much the same way as we know that IT leaders need to be in close contact with their business colleagues, so too do political and social commentators. And being out in Wasella meant she was away from the main “action” in the NY studios.

Palin needed to be in New York…(i)t would have sharpened her up, brought her into the big leagues…given her access to producers…by staying in Alaska most of the time…(she) devalued her role with Fox.

With all the technology for working remotely, there is still no substitute for showing up.

We call this “Proximal Intimacy,” otherwise known as “being there.” It is an essential component of “Business Intimacy,” which is how you really learn the business and you make your best contribution.

Proximal intimacy for IT leaders can be found in Secret #3 of the 11 Secrets of Highly Influential IT Leaders. Learn more about it here.


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