Our Most Recent Thought Leadership

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How to succeed at stakeholder management

Earlier this week one of my favorite clients (we’ll call her Sharon) asked me an interesting question. It went something like this: “I’ve been spending an awful lot of time on stakeholder management-meeting with the key stakeholders across the business to ensure we’re meeting their needs. Yet at a recent operating committee meeting (at which […]

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The IT vision, strategy and alignment calendar

For as many years as I can remember, IT leaders have been struggling to align IT with the business. It’s consistently a number 1 or 2 topic of importance on every IT leadership survey. I know that this is a big topic, and it can mean a lot of different things to different people. And […]

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What IT leaders can learn from Hollywood

How bad are your presentations? Come on. Be honest. How bad are they? Are you violating all the “golden rules” of effective presentations? Are they too long, but you just can’t seem to get all the critical information communicated in less than 30 slides? Are you using those hokey graphics that come with PowerPoint? Well, […]

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Who’s afraid of the big, bad cloud?

Cloud computing is all the rage. Everyone’s talking about it. Every day there’s a new story — or 10 — about cloud computing and all the great economic and operational benefits it will bring: Reduced infrastructure costs Increased deployment flexibility and speed Decreased internal overhead and personnel for managing utility-like services Consumption-based payment It all […]

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